About Me
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I am a 19 year old college student at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. I am engaged to Eric Mather, and we plan on getting married in June 2009, after we both graduate. We share similar pagan beliefs, just a bit different. I am a solitary witch, but would love to look into a coven in the surrounding area, since I am interested in what types of things covens do, and how they work.

The History or Story Behind My Site

I started this site because I wanted to have a place that was specifically for my pagan ideas and pictures, and after trying to add them to my personal page, I ran out of space. So I decided that it was time to expand, and here it is!


I belong to a number of pagan groups, and will post their events and happenings on my page as they occur. I will also post pictures of events I go to or coordinate, and post information for contacting any of the clubs/groups.

Links to Other Sites
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