Blessed Be!
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Lammas Page

Mabon Page

Samhain Page

Yule Page

Welcome To My Pagan Site
I created this page after I ran out of space on my personal website to hold all the information and pictures that I wanted to have pertaining to paganism. I myself am wiccan, your basic, traditional witch. I have been on my path for about 6 years or so, and am always looking for new friends and teachers that can introduce me to their ways and teach me what they know. Blessed Be
Site Updates

I update pretty frequently, and will list when I updated and what was changed:

5/2/05   Started my website and added some pictures.
7/28/05   I added many pictures and finalized each of my pages

7/31/05  I updated my Lammas page.


Pagan Groups

I currently live in Moscow, Idaho. We are about 2 hours from Spokane, where we frequently go for special pagan events and sabbats. I am a member of the North Idaho Pagans, which also holds events and such. As soon as I am able, I will become a full member of the Spokane Pagan Alliance. I am also a member of the Circle of Sisterhood, and all-female online group. You can find links to these groups on my link page.



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